Published by Oxfam.
Our planet is in serious trouble and our nation’s addiction to new clothes is doing more harm than you may think.
Image by Oxfam
The research by Oxfam shows just how polluting the UK’s consumption of new clothes really is. For example, buying just one white cotton shirt produces the same amount of emissions as driving 35 miles in a car.
“The carbon footprint of new clothes bought in the UK each month is grater than flying a plane around the world 900 times.”
It’s also estimated that more than two tonnes of clothing are bought each minute in the UK, more than any other country in Europe. That amount produces nearly 50 tonnes of carbon emissions – the same as driving 162,000 miles in a car.
“The carbon footprint of new clothes bought in the UK every minute is grater than driving a car around the world 6 times.”
Read the full report from Oxfam.